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Re: [dachshund-427] Epilepsy

From: user 7.
Sent on: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 1:56 PM
My Doxie, Max, 12 1/2, was diagnosed with epilepsy at 2. They can live a long time with it. Head shaking may be epilepsy, but maybe not. Max's were definite full out seizures complete with teeth gnashing, peeing, foaming and screaming.
He spent many years on meds and is fine now, though the Phenobarbitol damaged his liver. He now takes Milk Thistle to mediate the damage.
Personally, my gut tells me Max's seizures were an allergy to either food or a new environment. The doc told us it was epilepsy because he couldn't find a definite cause. BUT, after about 2 1/2 years and a switch to a higher quality food, his seizures abruptly stopped. The doc kept him on the meds for another four years or so.
We weaned him off them and his seizures stopped altogether.
I know how scary this can be. On Yahoo there's a wonderful list called k9-epilepsy. They're very supportive and a wealth of information.
Anna and Max.
I have a question about dogs and epilepsy. Does anyone know anything
about this or have a dog with it? I have read dachshunds are one of the
breeds that get it more often.
I have a puppy that is almost a year and has had two episodes of head
shaking for about a minute. I have never seen this before, she doesn't
seem any different than her normal self after she stops shaking. This is
something I don't think is normal though. This just happened two days
ago and than today. I just want any feedback that I can get. I'm going
to take her to the doctor if this happens again but I don't want to over
react if it is nothing. My baby means the world to me and I'm scared.
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