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Re: Re: Epilepsy

From: user 7.
Sent on: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 2:03 PM
I've learned from years on the k9-epilepsy list that doxies seem to get diagnosed with it a lot and that more often than you'd think it's an allergy. It can be to the fillers in foods, to soap, to household cleaners or other weird things you wouldn't think of. And the vets do not test for most of that stuff.
With Max they did a blood test, a physical exam, and  listened to my description of what happened then put him right on Phenobarbitol.
The person who said it makes them gain weight was 100% right. Max gained weight even when he had pancreatitis for a week and ate nothing. A pediatrician told me once that it makes people gain too so he didn't see why it wouldn't make a dog gain. The vet told me I was just overfeeding him--not true.
If, by chance, your pup gets put on Pheno, give him Milk Thistle vitamins too. It counteracts some of the liver problems that Pheno causes.
Anna and Max

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