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Metaphysical Fair at the Merchandise Mart Labor Day Weekend

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Friday, August 28, 2009, 10:44 PM
Hi Everyone

I just wanted to let you know that I will be participating in the Celebration Metaphysical Fair at the Denver Merchandise Mart next weekend. Hello Everyone:

I will be participating at the Celebration Metaphysical Fair at the Denver Merchandise Mart Labor Day weekend:Friday 9/4 1pm - 9pm, Sat 9/5 10am- 7 pm, Sun 9/6 10 am- 6 pm at the Denver Merchandise Mart I-25 & 58th Avenue. Readings are $20 for 30 minutes. Please come by to booth 16 to say hello and perhaps get a reading.

If you have never gone before, you are in for a treat. There will be readers from all over the country, vendors-selling every kind of metaphysically (and non) related item you can imagine, and all kinds of workshops and free lectures.

This experience is a treat for the eyes, ears and Spirit.

This fair, which is held twice a year (Labor Day and St Patrick;s Day weekends), is one of the oldest largest metaphysical fairs in the area.
I look forward to seeing you there.

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