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Who Wants to Go to Costa Rica?

From: Walter
Sent on: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 11:44 AM
Hello everyone,
in October, several members of our group attended a fun and informative presentation on Costa Rica given by Martine of StepOut Experience here in Toronto. To view photos of the event, click here:
Here is an invitation from Guy, the Organizer of Toronto Weekend Adventurers, who is organizing a rainforest eco-adventure in Costa Rica's gorgeous Osa Peninsula in collaboration with StepOut Experience this winter.
Toronto Travel enthusiasts
Dear travellers,
7 members going and another 7 interested. Some flights already booked, deposits being made ! This will be great !
Our featured Rainforest Eco-Experience to Costa Rica is filling up fast! If you want to join our group of adventurous TWA members to the Osa Peninsula this winter, contact me at [address removed] or Martine at [address removed] for details on how to reserve your spot.
This experience is all about getting back to nature and enjoying a unique vacation experience with like-minded TWA members.
Join us!
[address removed]
Toronto Weekend Adventurers

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