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The MASTERS Drumming & Dance Fall Retreat 2015

From: Alan
Sent on: Sunday, September 13, 2015, 2:30 AM

Drummers (beginners to experts),

We want you to know you are all invited to join us for a weekend of drumming and dancing fun, food and relaxation 'away from it all' in Raymond, NH only 45minutes from Boston. October 9, 10, 11, 2015

Here is the link to the event. It will be the most amazing experience with 7-8 master djembe teachers. We will also learn sabar and the balafon with master artists. And not only all this, you will say in a rustic but comfy cabin with all of us. Walnut Hill Conference Center is where we started our retreats in 1999. And we're back now with a huge list of master drummers, catered food, and lovely, relaxing accommodations.

To read more about it and get in on the early bird special, please go to our event:

And thanks. You'll be glad you did!

