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Drummers and Friends!

From: Alan
Sent on: Thursday, August 18, 2016, 6:11 PM

Yes! We have decided to hold our biweekly DrumCircle Friday at 7pm. Parking is surprisingly easy and we are right on Mass Ave (177) in Arlington, MA 02474.

August 19, 2016

Please click to RSVP:

Please bring a drum or instrument of your choice. We have great drums you can use. Please, no rings, bracelets or watches when using our instruments.

Should be a great time! We're even mildly Air Conditioned so you will be very comfortable.

$10 entrance fee for the circle 7pm - 9pm We get mostly adults but sometimes toddlers and even babies! Under 12 free. Everybody Drum!

Best in rhythm,

Alan, Fanta and Lillian

Questions? Call:[masked]