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Speakers Update: Configure and Manage multiple sites IN Drupal

From: Manish H.
Sent on: Monday, May 17, 2010, 6:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Silicon Valley Drupal User Group!

What: Configure and Manage multiple sites IN Drupal

When: Thursday, May 27,[masked]:30 PM

Hall 106
2505 Augustine Drive, Suite 100 UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Lets get together on May 27th for another great compilation of Drupal sessions, flavor will be Multisite in Drupal and Drupal in SaaS environment and a very successful Drupal application for Non Profit organization.

Many thanks to the participating speakers in advance for giving a confirmation on their availability, I would like to thank you all on behalf of SVDUG (Silicon Valley drupal User Group)and event sponsors Halosys Technologies Inc and UCSC Ext, Santa Clara.

Topics, speaker profile is as following:

  • Multisite IN Drupal: Challenges and convenience

    About Karen Stevenson: Karen is the lead developer of Buzzr and also part of Lullabot. She is a co-maintainer of the Content Construction Kit (CCK) and the author of the Date, and Calendar modules that use CCK and Views as the basis for highly flexible and configurable event management systems. She has also been heavily involved in the 'Fields in Core' initiative to move the CCK functionality to core for Drupal 7, and was responsible for updating the D7 version of CCK to be a user interface to the new core system.

  • Insights of Non Profit World and their inclination for using Drupal: Demo of

    About Jagdish Harsh: Jagdish is Co-founder of Halosys and heads the Global Delivery Systems for the company. He has ten years of experience in establishing, operating and monitoring technology initiatives for public health programs worldwide. His areas of expertise include; Global Program Development and Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, International Government Partnerships, Coordination with UN and allied agencies.He is a passionate believer in power of open source technologies like Drupal and its' abilities for social media.

  • Showcase of Buzzr (Drupal IN SaaS Environment): I prefer calling Buzzr an evolved application of Drupal, Buzzr team will demonstrate their solution offering and we will have them to field the user group queries on the Pandora of opportunities they claim to bring for Drupal developers.

    About Buzzr: An innovative SaaS application for easily building and managing Drupal websites. The demo on Buzzr?s drag & drop tools can make a big difference by streamlining the experience of creating and running sites for site admins and content managers, while allowing full access to Drupal on the back end for experts.

    About Fred Davis : Fred helps lead the team that represents Buzzr in Silicon Valley and the West Coast. He is an experienced entrepreneur, technology pioneer, and media professional. He has written 14 books about computers, he served as editor of several of ZD's magazines, including PC Magazine, PC Week, A+, and MacUser, and either ran or started most of ZD?s product testing labs.

Please RSVP your presence and block your calenders for May 27th (5.30 Pm to 8 PM).

It would be great to meet everybody and chat over the post DrupalCon agendas of community and also connect with growing number of Drupal enthusiasts in Silicon Valley.

Halosys Technologies Inc.

Snacks, Beer and Cold drinks served

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