What we’re about
Entrepreneurship permeates the culture of Silicon Valley - the innovation capital of the world.
The advent of the Digital Age has democratized innovation and entrepreneurship.
Never before has it been more possible for anyone from anywhere, with a great idea and a burning desire to succeed, to make it big, and in the process, change the world in a relatively short period of time.
HP, Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, Google, Facebook and many, many, many other iconic companies all started with just an idea.
Taking a startup from idea to IPO has taken on mythical proportions in Silicon Valley and beyond. Many dream the dream, with hopes of launching the "next big thing".
We are a community of entrepreneurs, technologists, engineers, venture capitalists, angel investors, educators, financial professionals, corporate executives, attorneys, academics, bloggers, writers, content creators, and social activists.
Our mission is to provide entrepreneurs with the knowledge, guidance, tools, and connections they need to succeed. Our goal is to build a strong, vibrant, collaborative entrepreneurial community with deep, lasting business and social relationships throughout Silicon Valley and beyond.
One of the compelling features of our organization is our packed, busy calendar of informative programs and practical activities designed to help our entrepreneurial members achieve their objectives and realize their aspirations. Taking advantage of this vast array of relevant content will make you a better entrepreneur.
We believe in working together. We share resources, exchange ideas, and actively engage with each other -- on a personal level as well as on a business level. We participate in on-line as well as off-line events.
Our events feature expert speakers, networking opportunities, collaboration, community, and fellowship.
Many events on our calendar are in held in collaboration with other like-minded Silicon Valley organizations and institutions.
Our popular business and social networking mixers are festive occasions that allow you to meet new people from many different groups. We hold many social events to help members connect on a personal level and make friends.
Our network is expansive and global. We have members throughout the U.S. and around the world. We welcome international entrepreneurs from everywhere in the world to become part of our global community.
We are inclusive, not exclusive. : - )
We believe entrepreneurial educational opportunities should be accessible to anyone with a dream and ambition.
We support:
We are inspired by:
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- How to Launch Your Products in International Markets in 60 Days or Less!Link visible for attendees
This event is organized in collaboration with many groups.
This is an online event. Participation is 100% online.
Participants can be located anywhere in the world!
This event is FREE to attend!
A "YES" RSVP on our meetup site does not confirm your reservation.
In order to participate, please register here:
Hurry! Slots are limited!
(The login link will be sent via email to Eventbrite registrants right before the start of the event.)
The speaker will discuss how to launch your products in international markets in 60 days or less!
Please come with your questions and scenarios.
About the Speaker:
## Christopher RichardsFounder & Managing DirectorUX Brite
Home - UX Brite - Professional Product Design (UX) & Developer Agency
Visionary Serial Entrepreneur & Tech Savant
Passionate about entrepreneurship and servitude of people.
- Started Relay Technologies in 2020 after exit of his flagship tech company, Prisma Systems Corporation (2015-2019)
- Proven Product Leader and Executive with track record of 5+ years of experience- 8+ Years of IT/software Experience
- Host of Savant: Life, Wealth and Impact business platform
- Financial Planner for Entrepreneurs to Enable Generational Wealth
Alma Mater: Illinois State University
B.S. Manufacturing Engineering - How to Build a Side Hustle as a Social Media InfluencerLink visible for attendees
There are many groups promoting this event.
Our meetup group is participating by promoting this event.
This event is organized by Albert's List.
This is an online event.
Attendees can be located anywhere in the world!
This event is FREE to attend.
In order to attend, please register here:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-build-a-side-hustle-as-a-social-media-influencer-tickets-1123314827889?aff=ideatoipoSocial media has become an integral part of our lives, with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook all contributing to the public consciousness. Whether it's a local restaurant, home improvement, travel bucket lists, or even the latest beverage container, there's an influencer behind that—and money too, to a tune of $24 billion.
People trust social media influencers much more than they do legacy media, with 51% of respondents in an Izea survey saying that they've made a purchase after seeing a video. Younger generations also favor influencer-led platforms, preferring authenticity over the suit-and-tie approach that their parents grew up knowing.
With the glitz, glamor, money, and freedom, it's no wonder that becoming a social media influencer is a side hustle atop the lists of many people, ranking as one of the top 3. There were 27 million engaged as content creators in 2023 alone, with 8 million seeing it as a part-time or hobby.
It's time to go viral
If becoming a social media influencer has been something you've wanted to do, we're excited to bring this webinar to you featuring Charles Peralo, an entertainment influencer you've likely encountered while scrolling YouTube or TikTok. Peralo shoots videos speaking to popular culture topics, runs polls on YouTube, and engages his over 1 million followers daily, and has accumulated more than 1 billion views in that time. Sponsored by Showtime, Dominos, and Pixar, he's turned his passion for content creation into his career, and he will show you how to do the same.In this webinar, you will learn:
- What being a social media influencer means, and doesn't mean.
- How to find a niche that you can be influential in.
- What equipment to use along the way.
- What challenges and risks social media influencers face when doing their work.
- How to select the right platform to be influential on.
- How to measure success—and gain sponsors along the way.
- The myths and realities of being a social media influencer—including the money you can make.
- And much more!
Attendees will also learn about an upcoming six-week bootcamp where Charles himself will show you step-by-step how to become an influencer, including what he's done to build a sustainable business.
We look forward to having you join us!About the Speaker:
Charles Peralo is an entrepreneur, YouTuber, and TikToker who has accumulated over a million subscribers and over a billion views on his videos where he talks about entertainment and popular culture. Check out his channel on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@Charlesperalo and connect with him on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-peralo-16657028. - Silicon Valley Business Networking (Online)Link visible for attendees
Organizational Sponsor:
Startup House
Need a place to stay short term in Silicon Valley?
Stay at Startup House in Palo Alto - the heart of Silicon Valley - for as low as $50 a night!
-Network, socialize and connect with entrepreneurs all over the world!
-Enjoy social events and startup and venture capital-related programming!
- Have access to world class amenities, iconic tech companies, top tier venture capital firms, Stanford University, etc. - all within walking or biking distance!For more info, send an email message to:
Put this in the subject header:
Silicon Valley Startup Housing
This event is 100% online.
Participants can be located anywhere in the world!
This event is FREE to attend!
In order to attend, please register here:
(The login link will be sent via email to Eventbrite registrants right before the start of the event.)
Hurry! Slots are limited!
There's no content or speaker at this event -- just business networking.
Build your business network - face to face (online)!
Join a virtual gathering of professionals from all walks of life from all over the world!
You may meet your next business collaborator, client, employer, employee or friend!
Meet Silicon Valley movers and shakers and influencers from all over the world - tech entrepreneurs, developers, engineers, attorneys, bloggers, academics, thought leaders, community organizers, artists, financiers, and investors!
Network, socialize and connect!
For more info on Idea to IPO events, visit:
www.idea-to-ipo.com (our main meetup group among 160 meetup groups globally)
https://www.youtube.com/@ideatoipo2 (videos of online events)
- Rodin Collection at the Cantor Arts Center and Social Networking-StanfordCantor Arts Center at Stanford University, Stanford, CA
This event is organized in collaboration with other groups.
This event is FREE to attend.
In order to attend, please register here:
This event is FREE to attend.
10:45 AM Meet in front of the Cantor Arts Center
Look for the MEETUP sign!
Meet and greet!
Network, socialize and connect!
11:30 AM Group tour of the Rodin collection
12:30 PM Roam the exhibits or have lunch in the cafe at the Cantor Arts Center
OPTIONAL: 1:30 PM Group tour of the Stanford campus
(Attendees will purchase their own food and beverages.)
Please review this link for info on the Cantor Cantor Arts Center, directions and parking info.
Please review this link for info on the Rodin collection.
Please register here for admission to the Cantor Arts Center.
(Admission is free but registration is required.)