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Aug. and Sept. books / payment for July sessions

From: Karen D
Sent on: Sunday, July 10, 2016, 1:16 PM

Hello book group members,

August and September books. There was a tie in the poll for our August book, so we’ll read one of the top choices for August and one for September. We’ll discuss The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin on August 24 and When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago on Sept. 28. RSVPs for each meeting will open three weeks prior to the dates, but of course you may want to mark them on your calendar and find and read the books ahead of time.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE ATTENDING JULY SESSIONS: Due to a few recent snags, over the summer we are requiring pre-payment for meetups. (We will see how it goes and decide later if we should continue this practice.) If you have registered, please be sure that you have made a payment either via PayPal (contact me and I will instruct you how to do that) or thru the Meetup site’s payment option, WePay. (While I have used PayPal to send and receive money for years and never had problems, leading me to believe it is pretty secure, I cannot vouch for WePay. I have not used it much, and one of our members suspects it may be a reason her credit card was hacked, tho she cannot be definite about it.)

You can check if you are registered and paid at If you have paid via PayPal and your name is not on the list, contact me, including the email you used to make payment, and I’ll see that you are added for the date of your choice.

Karen, Forest Hills Book Group organizer