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New Meetup: Francais Avec Les Enfants (Mercredi)

From: Lisa E.
Sent on: Monday, November 15, 2010, 3:30 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for French in Fort Collins!

What: Francais Avec Les Enfants

When: Wednesday, November 17,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Alexandra's house
1408 Catalpa Court
Fort Collins, CO 80521

A new Member, Alexandra, who just moved to Fort Collins, has agreed to host this one time meeting in the hopes that other parents/adults with children would like to rotate hosting it each month. Please help us welcome Alexandra and her family to Fort Collins and French in Fort Collins...

Alexandra says, "Cela serait quelque chose de tres simple car je n ai pas encore de meubles !!! C est juste histoire de ce rencontrer et papoter assise sur le sol. Vous risquez meme devoir ammener votre tasse pour le the !!!"

So bring your cup or your mug and your kids!

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