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Results of Brainstorming Session - check out the calendar!

From: Lisa E.
Sent on: Friday, November 12, 2010, 11:03 AM
Thank you to everyone who attended last night's brainstorming session. The paragraph below describes where we started and where we're going with the group. Thank you also to everyone who has volunteered to lead an event, participated in an event, commented on Reviews on the meetup site, etc. I hope that you find something on the calendar between now and the end of the year that works for you. And if you don't, please volunteer to host one event - maybe it's a wine tasting or French food potluck...

"French in Fort Collins was started as a Meetup to increase visibility and attract students and lifelong learners of the French language to converse in French. We started with French on the First Friday at Four, which has become our Advanced Conversation Group. We have expanded to include Intermediate Conversation Groups. We did a brainstorming session in November, 2010, to discuss how we could include all things French in Fort Collins on our site to increase visibility to our members as well as the general public. This includes posting CSU based Cercle Francais events as well as French Film Nights at CSU. We are always open to Members hosting an event or starting a group within French in Fort Collins - just contact the Organizer with your ideas! Sponsors welcome, too..."


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