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Join us in February for the first OSGeo Code Sprint in Philadelphia!

From: Andrew T.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 1:36 PM

This February 9th through 13thAzavea will be pleased to host developers from around the world as they descend on Philadelphia for the 2015 OSGeo Code Sprint. This is the first time the Sprint has been held in Philly and we’re all excited to welcome everyone.

Paul Ramsey, one of the core contributors to the PostGIS  project, wrote a bit about what the 2013 Boston Code Sprint was like and why you might want to attend. We will be sprinting together for most of a week, improving and adding new features to foundational open source geospatial tools like PostGISCesiumuDigQGISGDALPDAL, and GeoTrellis.

If you’re interested in attending, this is definitely an event where preparation pays off. You can just show up and make a contribution, but if you’re not already contributing to a project, it will be more productive if you’ve learned a bit about the project, have a good handle on the languages in use, taken a look at the issue backlog, and have given some consideration to what contribution you’d like to make to it during the week. We’d also encourage you to have checked out the latest development branch and set up a development environment on your laptop in advance.

OSGeo Sprints in past years have been focused on projects specifically stewarded by the OSGeo Foundation and the event began as a gathering of the “C Tribe”, the software applications that use C as their primary language. However, this year we wanted to make the tent of open source geospatial a little bigger and encourage participants to work on all kinds of projects, including projects housed within LocationTechOSGeo, or even independent projects like Leaflet or CartoDB.

So come join us in Philly next month! Simply put your name on the list on the wiki page  so we can plan for you to be here, and book your travel if you need to – including a room at the Loew’s Philadelphia at our discounted rate.

Thanks to our sponsors for making this Code Sprint event possible: LocationTechAirborne InteractiveAGICartoDBCoordinate SolutionsHobuMapzenMobile Geographics, and OpenSCG.

- See more at:

Andrew Thompson, Community Evangelist

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