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"Owning Ideas" by Caleob King tonight, Sat, 7pm @ Price Chopper.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Saturday, October 19, 2013, 7:54 AM

Midwest Skeptics Society:

"Owning Ideas" by Caleob King tonight, Oct. 19, Sat, 7pm @ Price Chopper. If you have ever attended Franklin County Philosophers you know that Caleob leads an excellent discussion. If not, then you are in for a treat. Join Us for "Owning Ideas." 


Patents. Trademarks. Copyright.

All are different ways to claim ownership over ideas. Can we legitimately own ideas? How does the system of idea ownership influence the creation of new inventions, products, and stories?

As an engineer I have worked for over 10 years in the patent and product development field and I'm happy to share some personal experience as well as some interesting theory and history on this topic.

Caleob King

Join us at the Blue Moose afterward. 

Cole Morgan[masked]