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Tonight at Green room in Westport.

From: cole m.
Sent on: Friday, October 18, 2013, 6:59 AM

fOOd & dRINKS @ Green Room in Westport onight, Friday, Oct 18, 6:30 to whenever. This will be a good time to see how often we meet at the Green Room. We can meet at other bars/grills in Westport if you like. 

JOIN US for a great time as always. Please RSVP so I can get a better number for Green room. I can't reserve like the Foundry so please help me out with this. I will always save 5 or 6 extra seats, but sometimes a dozen extra people will show in the past. 

RSVP here: Cole Morgan [masked] text me if you are showing later or canceling.

Come join our new location! If weather is nice we will meet in their outside patio.

                                             GREEN ROOM

"We are a family-owned blue collar burger bar specializing in fresh ingredients."

They have a wonder menu which I have included below and a variety of brew & drinks at a much better price than the Foundry. They have delicious burgers which includes a mouth watering veggie burger. Hmmm. Makes me Hungry now.

COME JOIN US for a wonderful FreeThinking time once again in historic Westport. I have some other great ideas for this group in months to come. So check this site.


Check out the Menu:

Location and hours:

4010 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, MO 64111


Cole Morgan [masked] [address removed]