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Have to see this show - William Andrews...

From: Ivan M.
Sent on: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 2:32 PM
William Andrews is brining his show to the West End at the Soho Theatre, it's a great location and a superb show. Very funny. This is not a MeetUp but it is a great night out and only ?8 (that's if you call the box office and say ?TEAM WONDERFUL?). Time Out gave it 4 Stars!

It begins at 8pm and is on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Description follows as well as a link to the theatre; do go and let me know what you think.

Show Info and Booking

Part stand-up part sketches part monster, William Andrews? NITWIT comes to Soho Theatre for an exclusive London showing after it?s critically and wittily acclaimed Edinburgh festival run.

William Andrews makes his debut Soho Theatre appearance with NITWIT a fast paced mix of mania, media and melodrama. He?s a Bafta winner, Tap Water winner, Michael Winner; taller half of Will and Greg, creator of Tony Carter and feelings of joy.

'William Andrew?s show is a miraculous little box of delights. Stunningly creative, it is the perfect marriage of technological wizardry and pitch perfect comedy performance. Andrews is destined to become one of the best comedic actors of his generation'
**** Time Out

'Bursts with ideas... And makes everything funny, stimulating or both... If you?ve enjoyed the likes of Will Adamsdale or Noble and Silver in the past, Andrews should be to your taste.'
**** The Times

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