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Re: [ljc] Girl/women/lady programmers

From: Trisha
Sent on: Friday, November 18, 2011, 3:54 PM
Bruno, what Zoe says is also backed up by my observations too.
Because programming is not seen as a female-friendly environment, the
women who do enter it do so because a) it's something they love b)
it's something they're VERY good at and c) they have the determination
to make it work as a career for them.  This applies to many men
programmers too, but it's much easier for them to fall into it.  A
girl doesn't fall into a career with computers when their friends are
swooning over Justin Bieber and asking daddy for a pony (OK, I admit,
I have no idea what "real" 14 year old girls are interested in, but
when I was at school it certainly wasn't computers).

There is a gap in pay for IT professionals, although it appears to be
closing.  According to the most recent stats I read
(https://www.theukr...­) a gap of
10% is indicated for IT, which is better than some industries but
still not ideal.  This could be because there are definitely fewer
women higher up the management chain (less than 3% of CTOs are women -
https://money.cnn....­ -
which is far fewer than the 10-20% women programmers we've been
talking about), for whatever reason.  It's more likely because women
are traditionally poorer at negotiation than men (Google "women worse
at negotiation than men", there are lots of examples and many studies
on the subject), not because they are worth less.

On 18 November[masked]:02,­ Zoe Slattery <[address removed]> wrote:
>> If there is a gap in salaries and promotions between males and
>> females, it is discrimination only if the females programmers of today
>> are, on average, just as talented and skilled as the male programmers
>> of today. I am not sure that is the case, unfortunately. :/  Do you
>> have any reasons to think it is?
> Yes, many. Based on 30 years as a programmer and manager of both male and
> female developers. In fact, if I am forced to generalise I would say that
> the women are usually better - not because being male or female makes any
> difference - because the few that get there at the moment are highly
> motivated.
>> Because if it is not the case, it is not unreasonable to expect that
>> male programmers earn, on average, more than female programmers.
>> Cheers,
>> Bruno Medeiros
> --
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