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build fixworx @ Build Madison

From: user 9.
Sent on: Monday, August 29, 2011, 10:37 PM
Mad Railers,

Just want to invite you all to build madison on September 24 at Sector 67. sign up for an email reminder.

I would invite all of you to join the fixworx team, but of course it would be exciting just to have as many railers there as possible to show Madison what we've got.


PS -- fixworx deets

fixworx is CRM/PM web delivered app for independent autoshops. 

All the competitors are in the process of porting their legacy systems onto web platforms so it is a pretty kick ass time to give them all a run for their money with an agile rails system. The most advanced competitor is All Data. 

Some of the biggest challenges is integrating with repair information databases and supporting pretty flexible invoicing, specials, discounts, etc. 

The easy stuff is the workflows, users, roles, and permissions, which I already have hacked together 70% of (without any tests! don't quite understand that much yet!)