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Free Skype Classes from Escuela Mexicana, Registration Details

From: Rodney
Sent on: Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 10:41 PM

Escuela Mexicana is offering FREE Skype classes.  Here are the registration details.

Thank you so much for your interest in online classes

Atlanta Meetup Spanish and Escuela Mexicana appreciate your interest in taking this great opportunity and further enrich your Spanish.
Escuela Mexicana is a Spanish school as a second language located in Guanajuato Mexico with more than 20 year of experience teaching Spanish.

Important information you need to know before registering.

1. Classes are going to be consecutive from Monday to Friday. You need to be able to take them every day in order to follow the sequences of the topics. The classes are going to be from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm and 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Atlanta time.

2. To participate in these classes it will be requiring fill out a registration and a one-time placement test.

3. Classes consists max 5 online Participants (meet up members) and between 3 or 6 international students attending Escuela Mexicana in Guanajuato, Mexico.

4. Every Thursday after 6:00 pm will be posted on the official website of Atlanta Spanish Language Meetup the topics that will be studied per week and their respective schedule.

How can you do your registration.

1. You need to send an email to [address removed] with the following information.
Full name:
Skype address:
Spanish proficiency level (please explain a little bit how you got that level):
Time and subject of the class:
You must send this registration email by Friday at 6 pm.
2. After you receive the placement test you need to complete it and send it back by Sunday 7:00 pm in order to confirm that your Spanish level is appropriate for the class you chose.

How you can start your classes.

1. After your test you will receive an email confirming your level and your class schedule.

2. You must be online for class in a quiet place without noise and preferably with headphones.

RECOMMENDATION: Previously check your computer´s sound and audio to be sure that those are working well.

Enjoy your clase¡¡¡


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