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Upcoming Events: Potluck & more

From: Nancy
Sent on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 11:22 PM

We have a lot of events coming up. 

On Saturday, September 10th at 5pm, we have a potluck at Maynard's Pony Meadows in Vancouver. This one is not to be missed as we hang out outside or in a hay loft and watch a play by the Otesha Project after our meal. No cost. Transit is easy, there's lot of parking and carpooling can be arranged. RSVP here:


On September 14th, Dr. Neal Barnard from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine will be speaking at the Roundhouse Community Centre. Don't miss it! RSVP here:


On September 28th, we'll be having another amazing dinner of living foods at Organic Lives. Space is limited for that one, so RSVP early.


After that, on Sunday, October 2nd, it's Earthsave's annual veggie food fair. Join 2000 other attendees for talks, cooking demos and veggie food sampling and buying at the Roundhouse Community Centre. RSVP here:


Following Taste of Health, we'll have dinner at Gorilla Foods on Thursday, October 2nd, but that one isn't open for reservations yet, so stay tuned. 

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