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Volunteer Mentoring Opportunity

From: Desiree
Sent on: Monday, August 18, 2014, 5:02 PM

Hello Everyone,

With Dana's approval, I wanted to let you know about an ongoing volunteer opportunity. As many of you already know, I am a residential counselor at Youth Villages and we are in the need of volunteer mentors. Being a volunteer mentor is quite simple and involves an interview, background check and training before you are matched with a child. Our children are ages 8-18 years old (boys and girls) and often have little or no contact with their own families.

As a mentor, I have had the opportunity to take a child to Grizzlie games, bowling, to the arcade, putt putt, museums, hiking, fishing, movies, make homemade playdough, slime and no-bake cookies. Mentoring is a great way to give back to the community and if you are new to the city, it's a great way to learn your way around. Since mentors are not paid for their time, low-cost activities and ideas are sent out to assist in planning outings.

If you are interested, please check out the website:

or contact me at Desiree Price at [address removed].

Thanks and see you on the trails!!


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