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Finding that perfect co-founder just got a lot easier

From: Kareem K.
Sent on: Monday, April 9, 2012, 10:27 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm excited to be helping organize FounderDating (making companies not babies) in NYC. It's a place where you can meet very talented people who are itching to disrupt the next industry. This is event is different to other "find a co-founder" events in that members are carefully screened to ensure the people you meet are awesome. People already part of this network include former founders or early employees of: stackmob, snaphish, asana, sountracking and hi5 to name a few. We also ensure a balanced event with an even number of engineers, designers and product/business folks. 

The next event in NYC is May 17th (apply by May 7th). There are also events across the country: Los Angeles May 24th (Apply by May 16th), Austin May 25th (Apply by May 16th), & Seattle June 12th  (Apply by June 3rd).

Apply Now -­  (you don't need to have an idea, just be ready to work on a serious side project)

You can read more about FD here -- https://techcrunch...­

The event is just the beginning. FD is also an invite-only online network of entrepreneurs looking for co-founders around the country you'll become a part of.

Feel free to reach out to me directly with questions.

Kareem Kouddous

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