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From: Chuck P.
Sent on: Thursday, April 17, 2014, 10:35 AM
Monday night, April 28, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. (Plan to arrive at 6:00 P.M. if consigning items)
Soho Photo Gallery
15 White Street (between Avenue of the Americas/Sixth Avenue and West Broadway)
Canal Street, Franklin Street subway stations nearby

The annual Park West Camera Club's auction of photographica will take place on Monday night, April 28, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. Each year members, friends and guests are invited to consign any items of photographica (equipment, film, paper, chemicals, accessories, books and related items.) Again, we'll include computers, iphones and ipods and accessories. It's time to clean out your closets and refrigerators to raise funds for new stuff! Junk to you but treasures to others.

Bring your items on the night of the auction starting at 6:00 P.M. (Sorry, we cannot accept items earlier or store them at Soho Photo.) A completed “Auction Inventory Sheet,” stating the seller's name, item description, minimum opening bid (optional) and the percentage of sale price you wish to donate to the Club (at least 20% or more if you wish) must accompany the item. These printed forms are available at the auction or can be emailed to you at your request.

All items won must be paid with cash or check (if you are a club member.) All items must be taken home at the conclusion of the auction and those not sold will be returned to their owners and taken home or disposed of in the proper receptacles. Those people who sell items will be paid less the percentage donation to the club in two weeks. If you cannot attend, your check can be mailed to you. [Note—if you are not a PWCC member please be sure to leave your mailing address with our Treasurer, Myron Galef so he can send your payment in a timely manner.]

Bring your friends—everyone loves a bargain! Refreshments and snacks will be served! Our President Emeritus Chuck Pine will again be our host auctioneer.

For more information, contact [address removed]

Park West Camera Club

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