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Movie" Expelled", 5:45 tonight at Premiere theater

From: David D.
Sent on: Friday, April 18, 2008, 2:25 PM
Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late notice, I was trying to coordinate with the PSU atheist/agnostic group.

The movie "Expelled: No intelligence Allowed" is starting tonight.  Some of us (from both Nittany Freethought and PSU atheist/agnostic assoc.) are going to the 5:45 showing.  We're meeting at the drop off area outside Pattee Library on Curtin Road at 5:15 tonight to carpool.

Hope to see you either at Pattee or at the theater,

p.s. I heard a good idea for those who didn't want to go the movie because they didn't want to financially support it.  Some have decided to donate to other organizations like the National Center for Science Education ( as a way to offset the ticket cost...
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed PG 97 Daily at 5:45, 7:45, 9:45 Mats 1:45, 3:45