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Re: [atheists-619] freedom of speech violated by Police in Pa.(youtube video)

From: user 7.
Sent on: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 9:29 AM

After viewing the video, it is my opinion that this person was just looking to create a controversy.  In other words, it was just a gratuitous action. 


While I didn���t find his sign offensive, what was the point?  I think he was just trying to piss-off people and he succeeded in that.  I consider such childish actions to be counter-productive at best and a form of bullying at worst. 


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--- On Sat, 4/3/10, Jon Reed <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Jon Reed <[address removed]>
Subject: Re: [atheists-619] freedom of speech violated by Police in Pa.(youtube video)
To: [address removed]
Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 12:59 AM

I've just been a lurker on this list, but I feel strongly enough to pipe in to agree with Jerel.  If the actions of this one individual are indicative of the direction that atheist "promotions" are going to take then I think we're all in for a long, bumpy ride to an Atheist America.

The basis for sharing a belief system of non-belief should be rational and based on reason, and (why not?) compassion, and shared with an understanding of the effect ones words and actions will have on others.  Religious folks certainly do not have a lock on "being nice", we can certainly beat them at their own game since we're not carrying all the hypocritical spiritual baggage and the hyped, misplaced passion that goes along with it.

What was the purpose behind this demonstration?  It was a deliberately provocative act to draw a negative reaction from the public, and ultimately, the police.  He should've been arrested for disturbing the peace, that's what he intentionally set out to do.

This gentleman is not representative of what I would hope would be the standard - rational, respectful, reasonable  - behavior of non-believing citizens.  This is not a gentleman I would want as the "face" of any atheist cause.

It's a free county, people can do what they want.  But it's a shame that when some misguided people do what they want they don't necessarily make it a better country.

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, Jerel Fast <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Jerel Fast <[address removed]>
Subject: Re: [atheists-619] freedom of speech violated by Police in Pa.(youtube video)
To: [address removed]
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010, 8:39 PM

I had a very different reaction to this. Though I'm a vehement atheist, I thought this protest/anti-Christian statement was creepy and in poor taste. Yes, the man in the video had the legal right to wear a menacing "V" for Vendetta mask and hold up a sign that portrayed Jesus giving the middle finger, but was he helping create a better world, or even getting people to think more critically? I believe actions like that make others defensive and further entrench them in their own views.

In fact, if I were in the shoes of the people driving by him on their way to church, I would feel even more grateful to be in a loving religious community instead of being one of those hateful, violent-looking, mask-wearing atheists.

Despite the claims of the video, atheists aren't persecuted, at least not compared to some theists and atheists in other areas of the world. The problem is that many Americans, religious or nonreligious, see atheists doing offensive things like this and come to think that all atheists are mean and disrespectful. What ever happened to compassionate atheism?!

Also, the man in the video seems intent on showing that the police are violating his right to free speech. I don't buy it. The police, or "cops," said his act was offensive (which it is) and could've arrested him on account of a public disturbance (which they didn't). Granted, I'm not a huge fan of police either, but they are supposed to keep people/communities safe, and this protester's actions were insulting and ill-mannered. I would have felt unsafe around him if I were a Christian - who knows, if he's got the gumption to hold up such a bold, abusive sign, he might be bold enough to turn violent. Laws are also supposed to keep us safe, and regardless of whether or not one has read the Constitution, I think its rules don't mean much if you disregard the common decency and dignity behind each rule.

I hope what I said was constructive and not just irritating to you, Rhonda, or anyone else. Sorry if it came across that way, or if this isn't an appropriate forum for this discussion.


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Rhonda Holland <[address removed]> wrote:
Cops are SUCH assholes at times.  I know the majority of them have never read the Constitution, the document they swear to uphold.  I hope a lawsuit was filed over this!

If anyone is interested there is going to be a class on the Constitution in State College on April 25th (that's a Sunday so I know you won't have anything better to do LOL).  The cost is $100 but it should be well worth it, especially if you are an atheist who likes to protest or is active in the community where our right to not believe in a fairy sky pixie is so frequently violated.  Details at:

So far most of the people I know who are signed up are from the Ron Paul meetup group (which I am also a member of).  When Ron Paul's campaign was in full swing the big (national) forum had lots of atheists who were very active.  I haven't been able to connect with many local atheist Ron Paul freedom loving supporters -- so if you are out there please contact me.

Hope everyone gets visited by the Equinox Bunny and is rewarded with lots of candy

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Richard <[address removed]> wrote:

 well, some weak minded people got his FB removed. so he is on youtube.
me and many others called and emailed the police station and made complaints against these cops.

Call the Lower Allen Twnshp police department Here is the phone number[masked]
You can make an email complaint here
Donald Sentman
I think the other officer was 
Donald Coffey

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