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.vimrc show and tell wrap-up

From: Matthew B.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 11:43 PM
Hey everyone,

Here's a quick summary of the first NoVA Vim meetup. If you were able to make it, thanks for coming and it was a pleasure meeting all of you. If not, I hope to see you at a future meetup.

We had a turnout of ~12 people (I took a headcount then forgot the number). A good portion of the time was spent in unstructured group conversation, with people talking about customizations/plugins/misc. programming topics/'nix. 

We had 3 people walk through there .vimrc configs.

* Discussed using pathogen and git submodules to keep a dotfiles repo that makes it easy to update plugins and keep configs synchronized between multiple machines.
* simple shortcuts like "inoremap jj <esc>" and "nnoremap ; :" may seem silly at first, but soon you won't know how you lived without them.
* I have a funky ergonomic keyboard that makes the arrow keys more reachable and since I'm on dvorak, hjkl is slightly less convenient so I actually do use the arrow keys (shame on me) and use them in mappings to move between/resize windows.
* I prefer GVim because I <3 my colorscheme (inkpot)

* Started out with Janus, slowly found himself disabling features. Planning to ditch it entirely soon and go with sit submodules or another approach
* Lots of great settings and mappings
* Uses terminal vim in screen.

* Uses vundle to manage plugins. Add 1 line to your vimrc per bundle and vundle will pull them from github/ if necessary.
* Tons of great plugins.
* Has pulled out things from .vimrc and made a few of his own plugins to keep things more modular.

Other notes:
* Christopher Sexton mentioned a few of his plugins. Check out Viceroy and trailertrash.vim at
* Regarding the question of project-specific configuration, check out It should fit the use case mentioned, although I'd love to see a more generic approach that walks up parent directories looking for a .project.vim file to source.


The next meetup has been added the location will likely be the same and the date will probably be on a Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 in mid-January. During the meetup, we'll have a handful of short presentations on some of our favorite plugins and hopefully get around to playing a few rounds of vimgolf. I'd like to get as many people presenting as possible for a handful of minutes to keep things feeling more like a conversation than a lecture. If you have a plugin you'd like to talk about (whether your own or someone else's), please comment in the ticket.


There's no need for our group to only exist for an hour and a half per month! If you have any questions about vim or just want to talk about a setting/plugin you just discovered, feel free to email the mailing list. I'd love to see us collaborate on writing a few plugins at some point in the future. Let me know if you have any ideas for the meetup, like possible meetup topics/activities or other methods of collaboration (Tutorial for beginners? Plugin ideas? Google hangouts?)


-Matthew Boehm

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