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New Meetup: End of August Salsa Meetup & Styling Workshop

From: Dora
Sent on: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 9:16 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Northwest Suburban Dance Enthusiast Meetup Group!

What: End of August Salsa Meetup & Styling Workshop

When: August 29,[masked]:00 PM

Studio Viva!
41 E Northwest Hwy
Palatine, IL 60067


Salsa styling for men and women - 2 hour Workshop starts at 7 p.m., followed by open dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The workshop will cover some foot styling for leads, as well as arms styling for ladies and body movement for both men and women. We will cover musicality and how you can add styling to your partnerwork, while connecting with the music. This will be a lot of fun!!!

Fee: $25 with pre-registration, $35 at the door (you can pre-register and pay there, but if we do not have your name on our pre-reg list, you will have to pay the door price)

After the workshop, you are encouraged to stay and practice - the party is FREE for those taking the Workshop!

Relaxed atmosphere, friendly people at all dance levels, a great dance floor and fabulous music for all to enjoy. We serve pizza or sandwiches and dessert. You are also welcome to bring something to share!

Entry fee is $10/person (party only), includes lesson and food and a night of dancing, meeting friends, etc.

For more info, visit

Learn more here: