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Easy checks

From: Morgan S.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 3:22 PM
Hi web accessers.

Back from leave now, so I can follow up on the unfinished business from our guided discussion that we had on 8 October about the Easy Checks Document from W3C ( If you missed the meeting, Gary made this totally awesome SketchNote of the meetup:

During that meeting we decided was that this document was too technical to be an "easy check" style document, and that we'd send some constructive feedback to the good people at W3C to help with their draft. This feedback will be presented in draft to the group at the next Breakfast meetup for final discussion, and then submitted to W3C shortly after.

We also thought that making a "content editors" easy-check document, aimed at media, marketing and admin staff who make updates to websites, would be quite a helpful contribution (to the world), and this could be something that we could submit to WA Government in light of the almost certain failure of government departments to reach WCAG v2 AA compliance before 31 December. This would be a one-pager style document that tries to identify two or three common issues and offers plain language advice on how to avoid making them.

If anyone would like to add their thoughts about the Easy Check document so that I can compile a final list of feedback, please feel free to add here:[masked] 

Thanks everyone for the participation, and look forward to hearing your thoughts


Morgan Strong
Manager, Online Services
Western Australian Museum
p (08)[masked] | m[masked] | e [address removed]

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