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Re: Are there no Atheists in the Military?

From: Greg
Sent on: Thursday, September 11, 2008, 9:47 PM
If you did not catch it on the Newshour tonight, please listen to the Podcast of an article, Religion in the Ranks A report on a different type of military training -- the kind chaplains go through to prepare to deploy to Iraq.

I think it would be safe to assume that there are a large number of Atheists that are in the Military.   But judging from this, it would seem they are not being considered for equal care and help.

As a pacifist and an atheist I don't think there is anything I abhor more than the combination of "our" Military and Religion!:-(   What are your thoughts on this?   Should we not at least have qualified psychiatric medical personnel available to our Troops the same as Chaplains are? 

Best Regards
Greg Pettengill