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The Math & Science group needs new organizers!

From: Mike W.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 8:10 AM


As you have probably noticed, neither I nor the other current organizers have had time to do very much actual organizing lately. Also, it turns out that I'm going to be moving, and will be leaving the group soon. So, our group (which currently has over 400 members) could really use two or three new organizers.

If you would like to get involved with helping to organize the Math and Science Meetup, please either let me know by replying to this message, or contact Tim (the owner of group) directly.

The group has been pretty dead lately. But people keep joining on a daily basis. So there's obviously a lot of interest. I think all we need are a few people with the time and interest to get things going again!

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