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From: Anna B.
Sent on: Friday, September 25, 2015, 11:01 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT IN NEW YORK!

When: Thursday, October 1,[masked]:15 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

Where: Anna Bartos
484 West 43rd Street, Suite 41E
New York, NY 10036

STSANY welcomes NEW MEMBERS, FIRST-TIMERS, Pros, Non-Pros, Semi-Pros and invited GUESTS to our Fall workshop on Thursday, October 1st.

All workshops benefit members who want to improve their vocal, acting  and instrumental technique and interpretation. They provide a safe, supportive, enjoyable atmosphere which addresses self-confidence, stage fright and other matters important to our members. Workshops are a first step in providing performance and volunteer opportunities.

You may invite up to 2 friends to observe or participate! Come to this and other MEETUP WORKSHOPS and get started pursuing your dreams of learning and performing. You will find a friendly, welcoming atmosphere where you receive expert instruction and encouragement! All workshops begin with group warm-ups.

Meetup Fees: Members: $20; Guests; $15; Observers: $10. Policy: Exact amount in cash at the door.

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to the meetup, if possible, as elevators are busy at that hour.

RSVP Deadline is 10:45 p.m. on Wednesday, September 30 for this meetup. You MUST RSVP on the posting page, even if you have emailed me or spoken to me about attending. If you miss the deadline and would like to attend, please send me an email and include your email address and phone number. I will respond!

MEETUPS serve several purposes:

* Learning: You are given instruction in singing and acting technique and interpretation, and you also learn from watching and listening to others.

* Networking: You are encouraged to exchange information with other members (before, at a break and after the meetup) with whom you feel an affinity, personally and/or performance-wise, and to possibly collaborate with them on  STSANY projects or outside the meetup;

* Volunteering: Please volunteer to be an assistant organizer (talk to me about your special talents!), and to help out at our various events;

* Social: Enjoy meeting and getting to know others either before, during a break, or after meetup is over.

IMPORTANT! Although I ALWAYS send updates, if necessary, be sure to keep checking the postings for meetups and your emails about the day and time of each meetup. Weather conditions, illness and unforeseen events can cause cancellations.

For all meetup workshops: (Please read, carefully!)

Singers: Bring 2 contrasting songs of any style (entire sheet music) - 2 copies, please. If you don't have written songs, let me know and I can provide some at the meetup.

NOTE! If you don't wish to sing solo, please join us in our group numbers. Getting started is the important thing.  The shyness will subside, little by little.

Actors: Bring 2 contrasting monologues, poems or recitations - 2 copies, please.

Instrumentalists: Be prepared to play one or two contrasting pieces of any style.

YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO RECORD the meetups for continued learning and inspiration!

NOTE: PRIVATE LESSONS are offered from 11:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m., by appointment, on weekdays/nights, and on Saturdays (sometimes Sundays) from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.  Cost: $65 for 45 minutes. Some further discounts may be available. Read your emails. RSVP on each posting, separately, for lessons and kindly adhere to all the details.

NOTE: TO read about STSANY's GOALS and reviews, click on pages:

To see and hear members perform, please VISIT and SUBSCRIBE TO our youtube channel by clicking on this link:

I look forward to seeing and working with you on Thursday, October 1 and beyond! Workshops are usually scheduled once or twice a month.

Be inspired and live your DREAMS! Carpe diem!

All the best,

Anna Bartos

Founder-Director, STSANY since 2010

Founder-Director, Flor y Canto Chamber Ensemble since 1998

NYU Vocal Faculty from[masked]

REVIEWS by STSANY members, fellow performers and audience members:

Anna Bartos is not only a superb singing teacher (she knows her music), she is an equally excellent coach, which is a rarity among singing teachers. She is also capable of imparting manyhelpful nuggets of information about the process of singing and performing that one doesn't usually receive from one's teacher. I found her instruction of enormous value.___. P. Vincent, NYC actor, playwright and STSANY showcase performer.

It was a wonderful session w/a warm, knowledgeable & insightful instructor & in great company!____Allyson, Member, STSANY

Great session; good, helpful feedback; supportive.____Barbara, Member, STSANY

“ Fortunately for me I had the pleasure of Anna helping me with my singing technique which is something that I have always to do. I am looking forward to more meetups and meeting new people. You should all attend this meetup whether you are experienced or a beginner (like me). You will be able to discover something so unique and wonderful about yourself with this group. I can guarantee it! ”______Chels, Members, STSANY

An excellent meetup! Anna knows her stuff and helped me improve my performances; the other members/performers are talented and friendly and fun."____Glen, Member, STSANY

The MUSICALE was a wonderfully diverse program in an intimate setting. I found the preliminary workshops extremely helpful in putting a role I'd worked on (for longer than I'd like to say) into a historical, musical, and linguistic framework. I am eager to do more! Anna Bartos is knowledgeable about a broad range of musical styles and genres, acting and character development as well as singing. I would definitely like to perform in this type of event again. For me, once a season would be good (3-4 times a year)."____Rebecca, Member of STSANY (Musicale on 1/19/14)

Amazing event. Thank you, Anna for holding the musicale. I am also glad to meet new singers.___Saadat, Member of STSANY

What a delightful surprise! One often doesn't know what to expect of a showcase! Congratulations to Anna, a real pro, and an impressive mentor to a diverse array of talent. The 'meet-up' seems to be a real resource for both the performers and those of us in the audience.  Keep up the good work!____Mary Jay, Seasoned Senior Performer

It was a privilege to work with Anna Bartos on this 9/11 memorial concert. All of the performers were of high caliber and the audience rewarded our efforts with heartfelt applause. The program, with its mixture of styles and its emphasis on Americana, was just perfect for the anniversary date. I had a great time yesterday. It was a meaningful and well-organized concert.___ Moshe Knoll, Classical pianist.

Thank you so much for inviting us to perform on this wonderful 9/11 concert.___Rosa Hyewon, Classical Guitarist


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