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From: user 4.
Sent on: Saturday, December 8, 2012, 1:26 AM


Some people wonder why events get canceled and or moved around. Well let's just say that things happen in life that you cant control like work things , or times of movie etc. I try my best not to change events but sometimes it has to happen. I have also realised that I need to have members pay a membership fee to help keep the group going like most other groups do. It takes a lot of time and organization, phones calls etc, to plan events. If I have less than 5 RSVP I will most likely cancel the event.

There are over a thousand people in this group who are members and only a few show.

If I had more interests then I would keep the events on the calendar.

Thank you for your understanding. And thank you for those who come to events.

Meredith Seed

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