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Events on the Horizon

From: Aubrey G.
Sent on: Friday, July 12, 2013, 12:46 PM

Hi Folks,

First, I'd like to apologize for the lack of meetups this year. It has not been easy to find time to plan. There's an awful lot going on in town, with lots of opportunities for folks at all experience levels. I'm barely keeping up with it myself. Hopefully, this message will change that for the better.

We're planning a series of meetups for August and September, focused on a deeper technical discussion of several significant areas within the iOS universe. In order to organize things based on actual demand, I need each one of you to take a few minutes to review the suggested meetups ( and RSVP to those you would want to attend. The dates and locations, if listed, are likely to change. We just need to know what among the suggested topics you find interesting, so we can give those higher priority. As always, if you want to hear a discussion about any specific topic, feel free to post a suggested meetup, so others can vote by RSVP. We will include it in our planning.

With over four hundred members now, we've grown almost 30% in the last year. I'm proud to be a part of such a large community of like-minded people. That being said, I think we can do better to work together to identify interesting and relevant discussion topics. Please use the tools provides to help us curate a great experience for you! Thanks and stay tuned for announcements in the next few weeks.


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