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Meetup Quality Issue - Tampa Bay Market Traders

From: Mike S.
Sent on: Friday, December 11, 2009, 8:24 PM

Our Meetup this week was not well received. I read several complaints and wanted to address them right away.

I've been an organizer using for 18 months and have hosted over 30 Meetups. I've chosen to use a presentation format with a professional trader/instructor/speaker sharing some inside tips/tricks of the trade. This Meetup format has been very successful. In fact, this is the first time I've ever had such a negative survey result.

The main complaints about yesterday were; the content was elementary, it did not address the description of the meetup (drill down on Fibonacci), and the presenter was ineffective. I apologize to those that were dissatisfied. You trusted my description of the content and set aside the time to attend. If it were me that was dissatisfied, I would have commented too.

The good thing about surveys is they enable us to improve. That's why we use them. I really want Tampa Bay Market Traders to be productive for everyone. Moving forward I'll make sure the presentation stays on point and delivers the information promised in a clear and understandable way.

Thanks for caring enough to comment. Good or bad, it's all worth hearing.

Trade Well,

Mike Siewruk
Online Trading Academy
Skype: Mike_Siewruk
Write: [address removed]

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