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Jujitsu - JSUK (Just So You Know)!

From: Gary
Sent on: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 12:50 PM
You are welcome to observe any class, just let me know in advance (here or by email or on the Tetsudokan Jujitsu Facebook page) and I'll get you past the machine gun tower and guard dogs. I am currently teaching a class on Tuesday nights, 6:30 - 8pm, at Lakeland College at Rt. 306 & I90 in Kirtland (about 20 mins. from downtown Cleveland).

Next week on Wed. 4/7 we'll be starting our spring session classes in Hudson from 7 - 8:30pm at the Oviatt Middle School near intersection of 91 & 303. We'll be in the back gym on their fantastic bouncy gymnastic floor, great for training! For details on the Hudson class check out (click on 'Register Online' to see class details without having to sign up).
The Cleveland Jujitsu Meetup Group