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From: claire
Sent on: Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10:44 PM


Hi All,

It would be great to get a stem working for the Bristol area, so I'm looking for people who are interested in becoming assistant organisers and schedule events in Bristol (well anybody anywhere can be an assistant organiser, jut let me know and I'll give you the power ).

We have quite a few members in Bristol and for people, like myself, who live in Bath or elsewhere, it's difficult to organise in Bristol.  Silly really as it's only 1/2 an hour away.  Or even if you don't want to host, if you know of a cool event, let me know and I can schedule it and organise people meeting up, even if I can't make it.

Anyway click on my name and at the top left hand corner it says 'send email' and you can email me privately.

Take care and have fun
