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Speed Dating Event in N.O.'s rescheduled to the 14th.

From: Kathy N.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 4:20 PM


I wanted to reach out to you all and let you know, that the Speed dating event in New Orleans that was originally scheduled  for October 7, has been RESCHEDULED to October 14th due to conflict with Saints football schedule. 

I was made aware that the Saint’s will not be playing October 14th, and therefore, would prove to be a better day to host this event.

If you were hesitant on registering due to the event being held during a Saint’s home game, then no fear; you spoke, we listened.

Please visit our site again at to register.

We’d love to have you attend.


Kathy Event Coordinator Pre-dating/Speed Dating