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tonight's trivia and fun times for all!

From: Kevin G.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 8:06 AM

Hey guys,

First, you've heard it once, you'll hear it a million times.   <----JOIN ME!

Just a quick note, tonight's trivia is going to have a different format, mostly because tonight, they've asked me to fill in and run it while they transition to a new trivia company in the next week or so.  So that means you get to pit yourself against me in a battle of wits.

The categories for the trivia tonight are:
Geek Knowledge

80's Trivia

2014 world cup

Girly Knowledge

FINAL ROUND - it'll be a top 10 list.

So put your thinking caps on and come out!


Also this Sunday, after the world cup final is over, we're having movie night at a bar, make sure to check that event out, heck it's a free movie and it should be fun!


See you all out this week!!



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