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Reminder to pre-register Nov 16th workshop

From: Barbara J.
Sent on: Friday, November 8, 2013, 12:25 PM

If you've always wanted to start a business, fire your boss, or just have the freedom to create your future  then this is a training event you will not want to miss, register for the Nov 16th class! This is an opportunity to learn how to create a real estate business with almost no money or resources. Learn A Successful Strategy That Works In Any Market, I will coach in class , we will work on off market live deals, you could walk away with a deal! Bring a cell phone and if you have a laptop bring it..... the class is going to be on fire!   Make sure you go to the meet-up site and sign up. Note the workshop will start at 3:30 -5:30 on Nov 16th.
George Washington Carver says it best, “99% of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.”  The reason why many people have became successful is because they are able to face the truth.  Successful people are not afraid of failures and are not afraid to take risk.  This is the best way to learn and improve from your mistakes.
Every minute that passes is considered the past. The question is, when the current moment becomes your past, what have you done to take the necessary steps to become successful in achieving your goals?

  • Successful people take action NOW and in the present moment!
  • Successful people make decisions quickly and change slowly
  • Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and make changes quickly

When a good opportunity comes your way, what do YOU do? Don't pass up this opportunity register  ASAP!
P.S. Pre-register 35.00 or day of class 40.00 bring cash or credit card accepted.

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