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P-POD Raleigh Sept. 11-13: 2nd National Plant-based Prevention Of Disease Conference

From: steve h.
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2015, 11:37 PM

Hi Everybody,

I'm very pleased to announce the upcoming P-POD (Plant based Prevention of Disease) Conference in Raleigh at NCSU September 11-13.  Please share and forward to help get the word out, especially with health care providers.  I'll be attending and am looking forward to this awesome opportunity!

Bob LeRoy, founder/coordinator of the annual national nonprofit Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD), conference, sent us an invitation to this exciting weekend of learning and networking:

Greetings, kindred spirits at the Nutritarians. I was very glad to learn about you. I'm founder & coordinator of the annual national Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD) conference, which is coming to your back yard (Raleigh) in 25 days, after launching last year in Asheville! We are a nonprofit volunteer-driven effort that accepts zero funding or influence from any commercial sources.  Our conferences provide evidence-based continuing education to professionals (while welcoming the public!) about how plant-based whole-foods nutrition may be mobilized for prevention (or even treatment) of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes & other chronic conditions.

We seek to be much more affordable than most professional conferences, to encourage grassroots participation.  Our 19 distinguished researchers, clinicians & educators speaking next month include some familiar to you such as Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., MD & Thomas M. Campbell II, MD.  Our national nonprofit collaborators are T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, & Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.  We hope that some of you, or friends or students or health professionals you know, may be interested in joining us at North Carolina State University on Sept. 11-13, 2015.

When the conference program ends at 12:55 on Sunday, we'll have a vegan farewell luncheon followed by a showing of the film Plant Pure Nation, to stimulate group discussion by attendees afterwards.  The luncheon won't be much of a farewell, because we'll be BACK in Raleigh on May 19-22, 2016.

Thank you for your pursuits of more healthful & sustainable eating practices, & all warmest wishes,


Bob LeRoy, Founder and Coordinator, Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD) conference.

[address removed] -- Twitter: @plantbasedconf --,
M.S. in Nutrition and Public Health; Ed.M. in Community Nutrition Education. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

*No commercial funding
*Continuing education credits

*Flyer/Poster and Banners You May Use, To Help Publicize P-POD

For any questions and follow up about the conference you can message Bob LeRoy through the meet-up.


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