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Tonight's meeting at Risky Business

From: Don L.
Sent on: Monday, August 15, 2016, 12:04 PM



Who is Sam Harris? That's a question I just received at one of our recent gatherings. It occurs to me that not everyone in the "movement" is aware of those that have come before us. So for this meetup, let's discuss our favorite Atheists (or freethinkers). These discussions should accentuate the positives. However, there may me some utility in discussing how our "favs" have disappointed us too.

I'll have a list and start the conversation off with a few of my favorites but be thinking of the ones that you most admire.

As per usual, we'll have our normal agenda with Atheist News, Cartoons, and this time a very special meeting closing that you won't want to miss...see you there.

Note that the meeting is now at Risky Business.


Don Lacey

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