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New Meetup: Fishing Q/A Workshop Intermediate- Jigs, Lures, Bottom rigs and more!

From: Chris B.
Sent on: Monday, August 16, 2010, 1:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for TC Fishing Fanatics!

What: Fishing Q/A Workshop Intermediate- Jigs, Lures, Bottom rigs and more!

When: Sunday, August 29,[masked]:00 PM

Where: West Bush Lake Park
9570 West Bush Lake Road
Bloomington, MN 55438

I'm going to do another workshop focusing around some of the more advanced aspects of fishing. It is recommended to have a basic knowledge of fishing from experience or have taken a basic fishing class such as the ones I offered prior to this before attending. I will have an assistant that can help people out with some of the things I won't be covering in the workshop in the case you feel left behind or it gets over your head.

Because we are going to be covering fishing for gamefish and lure fishing I've choosen a different venue: Bush lake. The water is clear and it is easy to see the lure swimming. There are less surface weeds then Hyland, and Bass along with Northerns. Panfish fishing pressure on the lake is high so the sunnies are smaller but there are some nice pike and bass in the lake if your lucky enough to catch one.

We will be meeting on the WEST Park side, the East lot, by the beach, is a Pay lot. The west lot is where the boat ramp and west picnic facilities are. Take the park road to the end and park in the very last parking lot. We will start the workshop at one of the picnic tables or open space near the parking lot and move to one of the fishing piers for the demonstration/shore fishing.

I will have rods rigged and ready to go with different types of lures set aside for those who do not own them. Feel free to try them out.

For the full details and to RSVP to this Meetup: