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W'burg Ultimate, Tues, Oct 14, 6:00

From: Chris
Sent on: Sunday, October 12, 2014, 8:09 PM
We're on for Ultimate Tues, Oct 14, 6:00 PM, Warhill Sports Complex.  Forecast is 80 degrees and little chance of rain.  It’s getting dark early so let’s try to get started ASAP.  Last few weeks we’ve lucked into a lighted turf field (#5) but who knows what we’ll get this time.  Maybe grass, maybe turf, and we may need to move fields around 7:30 when some of the kids teams end practice.  We
’ll have lighted discs and lights to wear if we need them.
Also, please try to bring different colored shirts including one light/white and one dark that is NOT red or green/yellow.  Recently we’ve had three different teams so need people to have shirts other than red and green/yellow.
Chris S
(Weather plan: we play unless it is raining steadily or storming at game time.  Keep an eye on the weather and determine if you want to drive in considering the weather.  If it looks particularly bad we’ll try to get an e-mail out by about 5:00.)

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