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New Meetup: TVW 2009: Bar crawl and food carts

From: deanna
Sent on: Monday, August 3, 2009, 2:23 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: TVW 2009: Bar crawl and food carts

When: August 21,[masked]:00 PM

600 E Burnside St
Portland, OR 97214
503. [masked]

Ready for the pre-celebration before the big end of week celebration the following night? Try Vegan Week has organized a bar crawl starting at Ron Toms and ending at the food carts on SE 12th and Hawthorne. Come on out! It is sure to be a good time!

Bar crawl maps will be emailed to those who rsvp.

Thanks to our sponsors and supporters: * Afterbirth books * Held belts
* Hungry Tiger Too * Northwest Veg * Pie Footwear * Report Lounge
* Vita Cafe

Learn more here:

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