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New Meetup: SKIN TRADE The Movie by Uncaged Films @ Hollywood Theatre

From: Cru
Sent on: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 6:30 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: SKIN TRADE The Movie by Uncaged Films @ Hollywood Theatre

When: November 16,[masked]:00 PM

hollywood theater
4122 ne sandy blvd
Portland, OR 97210

SKIN TRADE The Movie by Uncaged Films

What is your skin worth?

Despite great strides in recent years in helping people understand the origins of fur and the way fur is made, contemporary culture has once again adopted an attitude of cruelty and indifference as fur makes a comeback on the catwalks of fashion shows world-wide. Unsuspecting consumers, believing that their "faux fur"-labeled accessories are cruelty-free are being misled by producers who use dog and cat fur to increase profits. Consumers are also being misled by retailers who assure them that animals used for fur are humanely euthanized, intentionally hiding the reality of how the animals are hideously killed. In response, Uncaged Films is producing the unprecedented documentary film, "Skin Trade."

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Monday the 16th is opening night at the Hollywood Theatre which traditionally will often have the filmmaker if s/he is going to make an appearance (I don't know if that's the case for this film but will update if I find out more).

We could meet prior to the show for some good eats at a number of places including My Cahn, or Arabian Breeze. If anyone has a preference or another idea please let us know in the RSVP.

Please note that the time of the movie is subject to change based on when the theatre decides to schedule it and it could change to 7:30 or so. An update will be sent out when the exact time is known.

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