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From: Sven
Sent on: Monday, November 23, 2009, 9:45 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!


When: November 28,[masked]:45 AM

Z?rich HB
in front of Ticket counter, underneath the big weird angel hanging from the ceiling

More details to follow... for now, just go ahead and RSVP.

Hi there,

Enough of this weather here in the north... hence, lets go to the south. The idea is still in development, but good enough for you to start marking in to your calendar for this weekend.

Since Ticino is pretty far away to go back and forth in the same day, the idea is to arrive on a Saturday afternoon to Locarno, and stay there at the nice very comfortable reasonably priced hotel. Arrangements will be done to have single beds and double rooms, but that still need to be confirmed. We even have the restaurant chosen: a very good pizzeria with pizzas at 11 Chf.

The next day, we will get early enough to enjoy as much as the sun allows us to. The idea is to hike in one of the nice valleys of Ticino for about 4-5 hours. The specific of the hike will soon be post it here.

The return will be on Sunday, arriving between 20 hrs and 22 hrs to Z?rich.

The train schedule for Saturday will be:
Z?rich ab 12:09 4 IR 2271
Locarno an 15:13 1
Duration 3:04

To bring along:
- Picknick for Sunday
- Water (min. 1 Liter)
- Hiking shoes
- Poles recommended but not necessary
- Rain/Wind Jackets
- Extra clothes to change
- All necessary personal stuff for one night stay at the hotel.
- Return ticket for Sunday

IMPORTANT: in case of bad weather, we hold the right to cancel the trip. This will be communicated early enough.
We will buy a group ticket from Z?rich HB to Locarno for the Saturday. The return ticket has to be purchased individually by you.

Hence, when you sign up, you will be asked if a) you will depart from Z?rich HB, and b) if you have a GA, Halbtax or "none".

Learn more here: