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Angels Meetup

From: Patrick K.
Sent on: Sunday, September 23, 2007, 1:30 PM
You're receiving this email because of your relationship Angels Meetup, Patrick KIlhenny, organizer and Joan Deasy, assist. organizer. Please confirm your continued interest in receiving email from us.
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Angels Meetup
NYC Psychic Development Meetup
Angels Meetup Site

We are holding workshops, meetings, meetups, etc in NYC and a number of other locations around the U.S.  These range from clear inner communication to tapping into your Angels, as well as healing and Astro Soul.

This is an update on the recent Angels Meetup.  The above picture was from the April '07 Angels Meetup in NYC, but the people who just came recently were also very pleased. This email includes some highlights of the meeting and the additional Meetups coming up. 
* After a number of members shared on their experiences and what they were looking for most at these meetings, they realized they had a great deal in common.  (It usually happens this way at these meetings).
* Some talked about how they were sensitive to their environment and other people.  They "picked up"  feelings and the energy.  Many times, however, they could not talk to people about this, because others would not understand.  Some people would even think they were crazy. 
* At times they felt clear from the outer pressures and received insights from their angles.
* In the presentation this was discussed, about the clear feeling, and especially the chills, that people feel when their angels come close to them.  Then they know there is something important happening. 
* It was great to find members of this meetup who had similar experiences and were also "in-tune" (or looking to be more connected) with their angels. They all sensed there was something to this and wanted to work with them more closely. 
* When people practiced receiving impressions from a partner, some were amazed at the deep insights (i.e. receiving help from the angels in the clear energy).  They had never met the person before, yet they had these impressions that turned out to be true.
*A common question people had was how to know the accurate insights from the thoughts and feelings that were not.  This was discussed, in the Presentation, "We are like radio transmitters that psychically send and receive thoughts and feelings. We need to tune our own inner dials.  This raises our energy to receive clear messages from out angels instead of pressure, confusion, and negativity. When a radio dial is not tuned in, there is static.  It is similar with people". 
* Many discussed how sensitive they were.  They might think of a person, and then they would receive a call from that person.
Some shared on how they could go into certain places and feel "down" or sense other feelings.
* Some people did not feel they were sensitive. ( I was not when I began this.) Whether someone is, or not, these techniques show a person how to balance sensitivity with their intellectual nature.  Then they can enjoy the best of both worlds. 
You probably get the gist of some of this meeting.  There will be a shorter repeat of the Sept 18th Meetup on this Tues 9/25.  Immediately after this 1/2 hr meeting, a  Second Step Meetup, The Spiritual Sensitivity Workshop will go further into this with techniques.

This will be a 1/2 hr repeat of the Sept 18th Meeetup.  It will delve into our inner workings and how these Meetups are helpful in connecting with angels (anyone can do this). It will discuss the Four Spiritual Gifts and the different levels of energy.  It will also look at the clear you and ways to buffer and tune your energy to receive accurate insights.

This program has techniques and slides.  You can practice the exercises and the slides explain how to use them in a practical way.  Here are a few of the techniques:
SPIRITUAL CLEANSING - This is a "take-home" technique that enables you to quickly and easily clear your state of mind.  As you cleanse your energy you are able to "tune-into" clear and accurate insights within yourself and from your angels 
THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE - This exercise will enable you to discern the difference between the  clear thoughts and feelings and the ones that come from elsewhere.  Knowing this, allows you to follow and trust your clear inner thoughts, knowing, pictures, or feelings.
ONENESS TECHNIQUE - Feel the loving, and joyful inner being you are.  The more you sense this in yourself, the more you will experience this in other people.  This is part of the spiritual laws of attraction (covered in this workshop).   
There are also slides and sharing on your life plan, inner motivation (the type that lasts), and the cycles of life (the inner drives at various ages), and more about your angels.   This will be 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. 
Cost for this special Step One Meetup and the Step Two workshop is $35. These meetups are held at TRS, 44 E32nd St. For more information see the web sites (you can click on the above button) ,  or call[masked] or[masked].


We enjoy the opportunity to connect with you, all of the angels, and to assist each other in our journeys.


Patrick Kilhenny [masked])    Joan Deasy [masked]) 
This email was sent to [address removed], by [address removed]
Patrick Kilhenny | 8 Maple St, | Westbury | NY | 11590

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