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Bengals vs. Stillers - Game Watch - Sunday, November 15,[masked]:30 PM

From: S Bengals R.
Sent on: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 12:04 AM
Bengals Fans,

It's a big week for us! The highly anticipated rematch between the Cincinnati BENGALS and the crappy stillers is days away!

After last week, a few of us gathered at a local stillers bar to cheer for the Broncos. Needless to say, we successfully annoyed them, while reminding ourselves why we hate the stillers and their cocky fans so much. The anti terrible towel, aka our doormat, will return after its lucky appearance at Paul Brown stadium earlier this year along with a special cake to honor this auspicious occasion.

Please join us for this important game, as we fight our arch rivals to keep our perfect division record and lead in the AFC North.

Who Dey!

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