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Mailing List Code of Conduct

From: Kyle W.
Sent on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 4:32 PM
Hello Techies,

Lately, our mailing list seems to have run amok with forwards and not-so-relevant information. So, after consulting with our leadership, I have drafted a code of conduct.

Message Board Code of Conduct

The Golden Rule
Comport yourself as an adult and be respectful. Treat others on the list in the same manner. Do not use the internet as a shield for promoting confrontational and negative behavior.

Message Board Allowed Topics
This board is meant to be for topics relevant to software development and software engineering. 

As a general guideline, the following topics are encouraged:
  • Computer science topics, both theory and application.

  • Software engineering best practices and techniques.

  • Discussions on emerging and existing technologies, libraries, and tools. No VIM vs Emacs, please. We know Emacs is better. ;-)

  • Job posts for engineering or data science positions where you are the hiring manager. An expected salary range must be on the post.

  • Questions like "How do I...?", "What is...?", and "Has anyone worked with...?" are all OK so long as they fit in with the above.

Message Board Forbidden Topics
  • BANNED: Self-promotion. It's not acceptable to post links or articles promoting yourself, your company, or your services without prior consent.

  • BANNED: Advertising for other groups on Meetup. That group has it's own page on Meetup. Their events belong on their own page. Posts for events not on Meetup may be posted with prior consent.

  • BANNED: Non-technical posts Posts about start-ups. It's acceptable to post and discuss an article on High Scalability. It's not ok to discuss an article on ValleyWag.

  • BANNED: Forwarded job posts. If you are not the hiring manager, don't post it. "Fwd: FWD: fwd: Awesome Job" is not cool.

In case the "this is why we can't have nice things" post isn't enough, we, the leadership can ban you from the list or remove you from the Meetup group.

Thank you,

Kyle Wanamaker
Computer Bit Manipulator

GV: +1 (215)[masked]

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