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Re: [cfi-bam] listserv etiquette ... Make Digest work acceptably PLEASE!

From: Joy
Sent on: Sunday, September 5, 2010, 8:18 AM
I've taken the same path: too many emails, then indecipherable digests.? And the digest isn't just wordy- it plops every topic willy-nilly into the same strand. ? It was like someone threw all the pieces of several puzzles into a pile.? I usually just deleted the digest in frustration.? Then, on another member's recommendation, I moved all of the CFI emails to gmail.? It keeps all of a single conversation on a single tab, sorting and condensing by subject line.? It works for me...

Kurt~ I'm looking forward to seeing a single list for our many CFI groups!? Thanks for all the hard work,

On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 8:19 PM, Nancy Wirsig McClure <[address removed]> wrote:
Kurt and list friends,

I would like the Listserv Etiquette page to be emphatic about avoiding messages that make reading the daily Digest version of the list very painful.

This is IMPORTANT because whenever a newbie complains of "too many messages" our response is to tell the reader to subscribe the daily Digest. Digest is awful (because of the problems below), so I suspect most of those people have simply walked away. I thought CFI wanted to grow!

Things to AVOID:

(1) Leaving a string of quoted messages at the bottom of the mail.

The digest that arrived this morning had 6800 LINES of text. You all probably saw the 20 individual messages and know that the actual new material in each was about 10 lines. Finding the wheat in the digest's chaff is exceedingly difficult.

(2) Formatting.

Helen said:
When I interlace my responses with what I'm
responding to, I usually switch off typefaces, so it's clear who's saying
what. ?Takes a little more time, but I think it may be worth
That's a very nice idea (especially to me, a graphic designer).... Unfortunately, those of us who receive the Digest version of the messages see a version with all your helpful formatting stripped out.

(3) Attachments.

All attachments are stripped out of the Digest as well. It's particularly annoying when a subject line hints at a funny cartoon, but the body of the message is EMPTY. Send us a link to a web page!

I've posted messages about these problems before, and the same frequently-posting people keep ignoring my requests. I almost wish you all were forced for a couple of days to use the Digest version to try to follow the list.

-- Nancy

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