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Re: [backpackers-120] Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and New Year!

From: Carrie
Sent on: Saturday, December 24, 2011, 3:33 PM
Happy holidays to you, Jim! Finding this group has been the best part of the past year for me. I look forward to the frozen waterfall trip this year. 

I am planning NOT to go swimming.

I was very sad to hear about your mother passing. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Carrie McCants

On Dec 23, 2011, at 8:59 PM, Jim Newman <[address removed]> wrote:

As the Holiday Season is upon us and the end of the year draws close, I wanted to sincerely thank everyone from leaders to newbies for their help, participation and enjoyment they get from our group.  This is the best group of people I have run across in my life and the pleasure I get from being out with you all has a tremendous positive impact on my life.  So raise a glass of whatever you drink....soak in those great memories from so many events....even if just enjoying the pictures of our trips by our wonderful leaders....and give thanks to great times and lots of healthy fun we have had this year....and to many more to come!  To each and every one of you be safe and enjoy the Holidays with those you Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!

All my best,


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To learn more about Jim Newman, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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